Timetable for trains passing Bishton - Mondays to Fridays
Est. Bishton 05:45 - 1L05 03:58 Swansea to London Paddington MX Est. Bishton 05:45 - 4C54 05:37 East Usk yard to Avonmouth MX Est. Bishton 05:54 - 1P00 05:19 Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff Central MX Est. Bishton 05:55 - 4V32 00:31 Worksop yard to Onllwyn # Est. Bishton 06:08 - 6F65 04:55 Portbury to Uskmouth Power Station Est. Bishton 06:15 - 1L08 04:58 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 06:16 - 6B52 04:05 Grange Sidings to Swindon yard ###* Est. Bishton 06:21 - 2U00 05:54 Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 06:27 - 6V64 19:59 Redcar to Margam #TT Est. Bishton 06:34 - 2L43 05:37 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 06:34 - 2G50 06:13 Cardiff Central to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 06:40 - 6B66 05:50 Avonmouth to Aberthaw power station FX^ Est. Bishton 06:40 - 4V04 04:02 Basford Hall to Portbury ### Est. Bishton 06:44 - 1L14 05:27 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 06:48 - 1F03 06:28 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 06:51 - 2U02 06:19 Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 07:01 - 1V01 05:00 Birmingham New Street to Cardiff Central MX Est. Bishton 07:01 - 1M00 06:40 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 07:09 - 6B83 05:25 Westbury to Machen # Est. Bishton 07:10 - 4V51 02:50 Southampton to Cardiff Wentloog Est. Bishton 07:15 - OB42 06:48 Stoke Gifford to Pengam Sidings TTX Est. Bishton 07:15 - 1L20 05:58 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 07:19 - 2B01 05:58 Westbury to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 07:20 - 1M25 07:00 Cardiff Central to Manchester Piccadilly Est. Bishton 07:33 - 2G52 07:12 Cardiff Central to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 07:34 - 6V13 02:00 Dollands Moor to Trostre #TW* Est. Bishton 07:37 - 1C01 05:30 London Paddington to Swansea ### Est. Bishton 07:45 - 1L24 06:28 Swansea to London Paddington # Est. Bishton 07:45 - 1V02 05:42 Birmingham New Street to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 07:51 - 1F05 07:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 08:00 - 6V51 03:05 Warrington arpley to Portbury # Est. Bishton 08:00 - 2S04 06:02 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 08:09 - 1M92 07:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 08:11 - 6M55 07:00 Portbury to Rugeley FX Est. Bishton 08:15 - 1L32 06:58 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 08:17 - 6M96 05:50 Margam to Corby THX^ Est. Bishton 08:20 - 1B04 06:45 Frome to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 08:21 - 2C67 08:00 Cardiff Central to Paignton Est. Bishton 08:24 - 1B05 06:45 London Paddington to Swansea ## Est. Bishton 08:44 - 2L47 07:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 08:45 - 1L34 07:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 08:50 - 6V78 02:47 Dollands Moor to Llawern #TT Est. Bishton 08:50 - 1F07 08:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 08:54 - 2U06 07:37 Weston Super-Mare to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 08:56 - 6A21 08:28 Pengam to Theale #T^ Est. Bishton 08:56 - 1B09 07:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 09:06 - 1V03 06:00 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 09:09 - 1M01 08:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 09:15 - 1L38 07:58 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 09:20 - 1F06 06:00 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 09:20 - 4F83 05:30 Aberthaw to Avonmouth #^ Est. Bishton 09:21 - 2C69 09:00 Cardiff Central to Plymouth Est. Bishton 09:24 - 1B10 07:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 09:33 - 2G54 07:58 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 09:44 - 1L42 07:30 Carmarthen to London Paddington Est. Bishton 09:45 - 2L49 08:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 09:51 - 2U08 08:41 Weston Super-Mare to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 09:51 - 1F09 09:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 09:58 - 1B12 08:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 10:02 - 1V04 06:56 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 10:06 - 1M60 09:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 10:15 - 1L46 09:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 10:19 - 1F08 07:05 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 10:21 - 2C71 10:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 10:22 - 1B15 08:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 10:33 - 2G56 09:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 10:44 - 1L48 09:28 Swansea to London Paddington FX Est. Bishton 10:49 - 1F11 10:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 10:53 - 2U10 09:45 Weston Super Mare to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 10:56 - 1B17 09:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 11:02 - 1V05 08:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 11:06 - 1M94 10:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 11:15 - 1L51 10:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington # Est. Bishton 11:17 - 1F10 08:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 11:21 - 2C63 11:00 Cardiff Central to Tauton Est. Bishton 11:23 - 1B20 09:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 11:44 - 1L52 10:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 11:45 - 2L53 10:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 11:49 - 1F13 11:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 11:52 - 2u12 06:00 Penzance to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 11:58 - 1B22 10:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 12:03 - 1V06 09:11 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 12:07 - 1M64 11:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 12:15 - 1L54 11:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington # Est. Bishton 12:19 - 1F12 09:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 12:21 - 2C75 12:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 12:23 - 1B25 10:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 12:34 - 2G58 11:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 12:44 - 2L55 11:46 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 12:44 - 1L55 11:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 12:49 - 1F17 12:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 12:50 - 2U14 11:04 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 12:56 - 1B27 11:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 13:02 - 1v07 10:11 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 13:06 - 1M99 12:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 13:15 - 1L60 12:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 13:17 - 1F14 10:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 13:21 - 2C77 13:00 Cardiff Central to Exeter St Davids FX Est. Bishton 13:23 - 1B28 11:45 London Paddingtn to Swansea Est. Bishton 13:34 - 2G60 12:17 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 13:44 - 1L62 12:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 13:49 - 1F19 13:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 13:51 - 2U16 12:08 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 13:58 - 1B31 12:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 14:01 - 1V08 11:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 14:06 - 1M68 13:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 14:15 - 1L65 13:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 14:18 - 1F16 11:23 Portsmouth to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 14:21 - 2C79 14:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 14:23 - 1B35 12:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 14:44 - 2L59 13:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 14:44 - 1L66 13:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 14:49 - 1F23 14:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 14:53 - 2U18 13:08 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 14:57 - 1B37 13:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 15:01 - 1V09 12:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 15:06 - 1M98 14:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 15:16 - 1L68 14:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 15:17 - 1F18 12:23 Portsmouth to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 15:21 - 2C81 15:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 15:24 - 1B40 13:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 15:34 - 2G62 14:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 15:44 - 1L71 14:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 15:45 - 2L61 14:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 15:50 - 2U20 12:48 Paignton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 15:50 - 1F25 15:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 15:58 - 1B42 14:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central # Est. Bishton 16:03 - 1V10 13:11 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 16:06 - 1M73 15:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 16:15 - 1L74 15:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 16:17 - 1F20 13:32 Portsmouth to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 16:21 - 2C83 16:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 16:23 - 1B46 14:45 London Paddington to Swansea # Est. Bishton 16:27 - 1G97 13:30 Fishguard Harbour to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 16:44 - 2U22 15:15 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 16:44 - 1L76 15:28 Swansea to London Paddington #F Est. Bishton 16:50 - 1F27 16:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 16:58 - 1B48 15:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central # Est. Bishton 17:04 - 1V11 14:11 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 17:05 - 1M75 16:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 17:15 - 1L82 17:15 Cardiff Central to London Paddington #F Est. Bishton 17:19 - 1F24 14:23 Portsmouth to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 17:21 - 2C85 17:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 17:23 - 1B51 15:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 17:34 - 2G66 16:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 17:44 - 2L65 16:46 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 17:44 - 1L86 16:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 17:50 - 1F29 17:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 17:52 - 2U24 16:07 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 17:57 - 1B55 16:15 London Paddington to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 18:03 - 1V12 15:11 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 18:06 - 1M95 17:45 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 18:15 - 1L88 17:55 Cardiff Central to London Paddington Est. Bishton 18:18 - 1F26 15:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 18:21 - 2C87 18:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton FX Est. Bishton 18:23 - 1B59 16:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 18:33 - 2G68 17:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 18:44 - 2L67 17:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 18:45 - 1L90 17:28 Swansea to London Paddington FX Est. Bishton 18:50 - 1F31 18:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 18:58 - 2U26 17:06 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 19:02 - 1B63 17:15 London Paddington to Carmarthen Est. Bishton 19:06 - 1v13 16:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 19:07 - 1M84 18:46 Cardiff Central to Nottingham Est. Bishton 19:20 - 1F28 16:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 19:21 - 2C89 19:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton Est. Bishton 19:25 - 1B69 17:45 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 19:42 - 2L69 18:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 19:44 - 1L93 18:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 19:49 - 1F99 19:30 Cardiff Central to Portsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 19:54 - 2U28 18:08 Taunton to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 19:59 - 1B76 18:15 London Paddington to Swansea Est. Bishton 20:04 - 1V14 17:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 20:10 - 1M85 19:50 Cardiff Central to Birmingham New Street Est. Bishton 20:20 - 1F30 17:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 20:21 - 2C91 20:00 Cardiff Central to Taunton FX Est. Bishton 20:24 - 1B79 18:45 London Paddington to Swansea FX Est. Bishton 20:41 - 1V65 17:05 Manchester Piccadilly to Cardiff Cemtral FX Est. Bishton 20:45 - 2L71 19:45 Cheltenham to Maesteg Est. Bishton 20:45 - 1L94 19:29 Swansea to London Paddington ## Est. Bishton 20:50 - 1F37 20:30 Cardiff Central to Potsmouth Harbour Est. Bishton 20:57 - 1B81 19:15 London Paddington to Swansea FX Est. Bishton 21:03 - 1V15 18:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 21:19 - 1F32 18:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 21:21 - 2C34 21:00 Cardiff Central to Westbury Est. Bishton 21:26 - 1M87 21:05 Cardiff Central to Birmingham New Street Est. Bishton 21:35 - 2G72 20:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham Est. Bishton 21:44 - 1L96 20:28 Swansea to London Paddington Est. Bishton 21:50 - 2U32 21:19 Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff Central FX Est. Bishton 21:52 - 2C94 21:30 Cardiff Central to Bristol Temple Meads FX Est. Bishton 21:57 - 1B88 20:15 London Paddington to Swansea # Est. Bishton 22:01 - 1C00 21:40 Cardiff Central to Bristol Temple Meads Est. Bishton 22:08 - 1V16 19:08 Nottingham to Cardiff Central Est. Bishton 22:10 - 1M89 21:50 Cardiff Central to Birmingham New Street Est. Bishton 22:22 - 1F34 19:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central FX Est. Bishton 22:30 - 2C95 22:04 Cardiff Central to Bristol Temple Meads FX Est. Bishton 23:04 - 1B91 21:15 London Paddington to Swansea FX Est. Bishton 23:20 - 2C96 22:49 Cardiff Central to Bristol Temple Meads FX Est. Bishton 23:23 - 1F36 20:23 Portsmouth Harbour to Cardiff Central FX Est. Bishton 23:54 - 2G74 22:15 Maesteg to Cheltenham FX Est. Bishton 23:58 - 2G75 23:00 Cheltenham to Cardiff Central FX Est. Bishton 23:59 - 2C97 23:27 Cardiff Central to Bristol Temple Meads FX Est. Bishton 00:30 - 1B94 22:45 London Paddington to Swansea FX Est. Bishton 01:57 - 1C36 23:30 London Paddington to Cardiff Central FX |
All times on the timetable to the left are estimated times for trains passing the Bishton Flyover, Llandevenny (see map above). # - These trains are Wednesdays only ## - These trains are Wednesdays/Thursdays only ### - These trains are Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays only #TT - These trains are Tuesdays/Thursdays only #TW - These trains are Tuesdays/Wednesdays only TTX - These trains are Tuesdays/Thursdays excepted #F - These trains are Wednesdays/Fridays only #T - These trains are Tuesdays only THX - These trains are Thursdays excepted FX - These trains are fridays excepted MX - These trains are Mondays excepted Freight notes: * - rarely runs or only runs when required ^ - regularly runs but only when required 6F65 and 6F56 are usually Freightliner 66/70 6B83 and 6A83 are booked to run mondays, wednesdays and fridays but usually only runs on Wednesdays. This working can produce a DB 66/59 or a Mendip Rail 59. |