4015+4016 on the 9O31 1313 Paris Nord to St Pancras International at Westwell Leacon on the 16th January 2016.
4019+4020 on the 9O24 1224 St Pancras International to Paris Nord at Westwell Leacon on the 16th January 2016.
4008+4007 on the 9O29 1231 Paris Nord to St Pancras International at Lenham crossover near Maidstone on the 8th May 2016.
4020+4019 on the 9O35 1413 Paris Nord to St Pancras at Lenham crossover on the 6th August 2016.
4015+4016 on the 9O31 1313 Paris Nord to St Pancras near Lenham crossoveer on the 6th August 2016.
4012+4011 on the 9O24 1224 St Pancras International to Paris Nord near Lenham on the 4th December 2016.
4022+4021 on the 9O29 1243 Paris Nord to St Pancras International at Lenham on the 4th December 2016.