On the 11th December 2012, I photographed 08802 which was being transported by an Alleys low loader to Doncaster. The low loader failed with a suspected wheel bearing problem in a slip-lane joining the A512 from one of the entrance's to Loughborough university.
Br Blue 07007 on display at the Eastleigh Works Open Day on the 23rd May 2009.
08646 next to 37669 at Margam depot on the 22nd May 2009.
08770 is stabled at Margam on the 22nd May 2009.
09020 and 08554 at Margam on the 22nd May 2009.
08711 is at Michael Wood Services on the M5 on the 18th May 2009.
09017 with the Severn Tunnel rescue train on the 22nd March 2006 at Severn Tunnel junction.