Scotrail liveried 47712 powers away from Orton Mere working the 2E43 0820 Wansford to Peterborough on the 10th April 2016.

56098 leads 41001 working the 2E42 0840 Wansford to Peterborough away from Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.

41001 tailing 56098 on the 2M42 0930 Peterborough to Wansford nearing Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.

41001 leads 56098 and 56006 on the 1E46 1042 Wansford to Peterborough departing Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.

60066 works the 1E44 0924 Wansford to Peterborough away from Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.

DC Rail 31452 leads the 2E42 1002 Wansford to Peterborough away from Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.

56006 leads 56098 tnt 41001 on the 1M46 1130 Peterborough to Wansford at Orton Mere on the 10th April 2016.